We are a team of passionate people focused in developing the most sophisticated technology for neck assessment and rehabilitation in the world.
In the United States alone, each year around 300,000 incidences of concussions related to sports are reported among which football players have testified the highest number of such incidences. Whiplash like neck injuries are very common among athletes suffering from concussion (Bailes et al., 2001). It was also found that with an increase in one pound of neck strength there is a decrease in possibility of concussion by 5% (Collins et al., 2014). Thus, increasing neck strength and stabilization is key in treating concussion symptoms as well as minimizing the possibilities of future concussion. Additionally, 83-80% of helicopter pilots suffer from neck pain/injuries in Canada alone (Salmon et al., 2011). The major research conducted by Salmon et al. in 2013 and Ang et al. in 2009 in helicopter pilots have shown that a prescribed neck exercise regime was effective in reduction of neck pain in helicopter pilots. Therefore, increasing neck strength is critical in effectively reducing neck pain in helicopter pilots.
However, existing products in the market are inefficient in isolating and strengthening the weak neck muscles. We are here to solve this problem through our ground breaking disruptive technology which will allow more precise and more focused neck muscle treatments, targeting specific muscle groups with both isokinetic and isometric exercises. The device will capture patient’s range of motion in two planes, plus rotation as well as offer immediate range of motion data and the ability to inspect unintended movement during motion capture.
Neck Tronics is currently in the process of protecting its intellectual property. We are pleased to announce that a formal PCT filing was completed in September 2017 and National Phase entries for Canada, The U.S. and Europe were completed in May 2019.
Concurrently, it is has finalized its functional prototype(P2), presently at Dalhousie University. Neck Tronics has initiated dialogue with the insurance industry, private clinics pro sports leagues and a major data analytics company to be announced at a future date. The company has also undertaken concurrent market research to validate product viability, organizing the regulatory compliance steps, and ready for second round financing.
Meet the Team
Bill Smith
Bill is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine(CMCC Graduate), and has been practicing for over 20 years. He completed his undergraduate in Biochemistry/Chemistry at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Bill has diverse interests and has been active politically, campaigning in the 2008 federal election. He has been active with the College of Chiropractors for Nova Scotia, having chaired many committees and is also a past-President of the Provincial Council for the College.
Dr. Dennis Reich
Dr. Dennis Reich is an entrepreneur and physician.
Dr. Lisa Dickson
Dr. Lisa Dickson is a Doctor of Chiropractic, and has been practicing in Nova Scotia for over 17 years. She obtained BSc in biochemistry from UBC and worked as a chemist in the petrochemical industry for four years. In addition, she worked as an environmental chemist completing field research for five years prior to chiropractic. She has been active with the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors, where she has written and revised policy, chaired many committees, served as Registrar, and represented the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors nationally on many committees. She is a past recipient of the NSCC Chiropractor of the Year.